

To register, which allows you to make predictions, view other users predictions, or view statistics, results and rankings in Twitter, tweet the following:-

@TechPoll register
Registers the users Twitter account with a ‘Public’ <DefaultProfile>.

@TechPoll register(<DefaultProfile>)
Registers the users Twitter account with a specific <DefaultProfile>, being either ‘Public’, ‘Protected’, or ‘Private’.  All <Predictions> use the <DefaultProfile>, unless specifically overriden (See Predictions).

To Activate, Deactivate, or Deregister your account, tweet or direct message the following:-

@TechPoll activate
Activates an account if previously deactivated.

@TechPoll deactivate
Deactivates the users account, where all information is hidden and the account does not respond to to any requests, except ‘active’ or ‘deregister’.  The account information is not lost, but rather suspended until reactivated.

@TechPoll deregister
Removes the users account and destroys all information on the account.  Confirmation will be required before the users account is deregistered.


To make a <Prediction> on a specific <Topic> and <SubTopic>, tweet or direct message the following:-

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.setPrediction(<Prediction>)
Registers a <Prediction> based on the users <DefaultProfile> (see below).
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.setPrediction(01 Jan 2000) 

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.setPublicPrediction(<Prediction>)
Registers a ‘Public’ <prediction> which is visible to other users.
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.setPublicPrediction(01 Jan 2000)

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.setProtectedPrediction(<Prediction>)
Registers a ‘Protected’ <Prediction> which is not visible to other users whilst the <SubTopic> is open, however, other users can see that a prediction has been made, without seeing the actual prediction.  The <Prediction> becomes visible to other users after the SubTopic has been closed.  It is recommended that direct message is used, so that the prediction is not visible in a public tweet.
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.setProtectedPrediction(01 Jan 2000)

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.setPrivatePrediction(<Prediction>)
Registers a ‘Private’ <Prediction> which is not visible to other users whilst the <SubTopic> is open, where other users cannot even see that a <Prediction> has been made.  The <Prediction> becomes visible to other users after the <SubTopic> has been closed.  It is recommended that direct message is used, so that the prediction is not visible in a public tweet.
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.setPrivatePrediction(01 Jan 2000)

The <SubTopic> requires a specific <Type> of <Prediction> as follows:-

<Integer>     An integer or whole number (e.g. 5).
<Real>     A decimal number (e.g. 2.3).
<Date>     A date in the form DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. 01-Jan-2000), or MMM-DD-YYYY (e.g. Jan-01-2000).
<Text>     A string or text (e.g. hello).  The <SubTopic> may require specific text values.

The <Prediction> may comprise a single value or multiple values, however, the more values selected the fewer the points gained for getting the <Prediction> correct.  Examples of a <Prediction> using <Integer> values:-

Single value:     5
Multiple values:     3, 5, 7

Integer and dates can also be provided as a range:-

Range of values:     3 ~ 7
Combinations:     3 ~ 5, 7 ~ 9, 12~15

To check the <Prediction> for a specific <Topic> and <SubTopic>, tweet or direct message the following:-

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.getPrediction
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.getPrediction

@TechPoll <Topic>.<SubTopic>.getStatus
Gets the status of the <SubTopic>, being either ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.
e.g. @TechPoll iPhone5.LaunchDate.getStatus


To get information on your own account, tweet or direct message the following:-

@TechPoll getPoints
Gets the users total points for all correct and incorrect predictions.

@TechPoll getRating
Gets the users rating based on the success rate for all predictions.

@TechPoll getProfile
Gets the users <DefaultProfile>, being either ‘Public’, ‘Protected’, or ‘Private”.

@TechPoll getType
Gets the users <Type>, being either ‘User’, ‘Contributor’, or ‘Administrator”.

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